Car air conditioning servicing, repairs and regas
If you have air conditioning then we can help
Car and van air conditioning
Don't dread driving in the heat!

Air conditioning is a wonderful extra for a car to have. It helps you stay cool in the summer and demists the windows through the winter. At Keith's Workshop Services we know on those scorching hot days its worth every penny. But did you know your cars R134A A/C system needs servicing every two years? Over time the cars A/C gas leaks out the system even if there is no leak, which in turn makes it not feel as cool as it used to.
Our A/C service, sometimes known as regas or recharge, will remove your old gas and replace it with the correct quantity. So your cars system goes back to its icy coldest. Improving the air quality in your cars cabin. It only take 45 minutes so you can even have it done while you wait!
We also carry out air conditioning repairs on all makes and models. With expert knowledge we can always get to the root cause of why your cars A/C has stopped working. If your A/C is producing a funny smell we also have a special machine that can eliminate the bad odour. Don't forget when you combine any service with an A/C service you get 50% off!!!

Since 2015, cars have been supplied with a new Car Air Conditioning gas called R1234YF. This new air conditioning gas is kinder to the environment. We have recently invested in a new state of the art machine, to make sure your air conditioning system is kept reliable.
Prices start at £135 for vehicles with the new R1234YF gas.